Evaluation of the genetic diversity of germplasms of Kaempferia galanga collected in Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam

Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2025     |     PP. 1-13      |     PDF (411 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 11, 2025
DOI: 10.54647/agriculture210424    16 Downloads     82 Views  


Nguyen Dang Toan Chuong, Department of Science and Technology of Gia Lai province, 98B Pham Van Dong, Pleiku, Viet Nam; Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, 102 Phung Hung St., Hue city, Vietnam.
Tran Dang Hoa, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, 102 Phung Hung St., Hue city, Vietnam.
Nguyen Dinh Thi, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, 102 Phung Hung St., Hue city, Vietnam.
Nghiem Tien Chung, National institute of Medicinal Materials in Viet Nam

Gia Lai is a province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, home to Kon Ka Kinh National Park, which boasts rich biodiversity and is one of 27 parks in the Southeast Asian region recognized as ASEAN heritage parks. Among the medicinal species in the park is Kaempferia galanga, a native medicinal herb with various benefits that require conservation and development. To ensure the conservation and development of this herb, we conducted a study to investigate and collect samples, and assess the genetic diversity of Kaempferia galanga species collected from 5 buffer zones of Kon Ka Kinh National Park and 5 provinces across the country (1. Me Linh, 2: Kon Ka Kinh 1, 3: Kon Ka Kinh 2, 4: Kon Ka Kinh 3, 5: Kon Ka Kinh 4, 6: Kon Ka Kinh 5, 7: Hiep Hoa, 8: Hue, 9: Dong Hy, 10: RCMP). The analysis evaluated the genetic diversity of Kaempferia galanga L species naturally distributed in Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Gia Lai Province, and some other provinces. Through the study using 13 ISSR primers on a population of 10 samples of Kaempferia galanga, the genetic relationship of these samples was determined with genetic similarity coefficients ranging from 0.59 to 0.97. The genetic diversity of the 10 contiguous samples fluctuated relatively high. These samples can be used for genetic resource conservation and new breeding selection. Additionally, 5 ISSR primers including UBC 807, UBC 834, UBC 840, UBC 844, and UBC 880 were identified for polymorphism in the 10 contiguous samples studied. Among them, primers UBC 807 and UBC 880 had the highest percentage of polymorphic loci and an average PIC index of 0.27 - 0.29. Moreover, primer UBC 807 was also found to have the highest Rp index at 3.4, followed by primers UBC 834, UBC 840, and UBC 844 with Rp indices ranging from 2 to 2.8.

Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Database, Genetic diversity, Kaempferia galanga L.

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Nguyen Dang Toan Chuong, Tran Dang Hoa, Nguyen Dinh Thi, Nghiem Tien Chung, Evaluation of the genetic diversity of germplasms of Kaempferia galanga collected in Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam , SCIREA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2025 | PP. 1-13. 10.54647/agriculture210424


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