Identifying the sources of non-point source pollution: Research progress and emerging challenges – A review

Volume 3, Issue 4, August 2019     |     PP. 94-110      |     PDF (246 K)    |     Pub. Date: July 15, 2019
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Are K. S., Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Obafemi Awolowo University, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Soil erosion remains a major threat to sustainable agricultural production and environment. More recent studies have highlighted the role of soil erosion in soil, water and environmental degradation. Many authors, in their research efforts, identified fertilizers and other agricultural inputs as the major driving forces of water quality impairment. Although, this assertion is true when efforts are not enough to curtail the chief driving force “erosion” itself. The efforts to link soil erosion as the main driving force to water pollution rather than fertilizers overuse is still debatable. Although, models are less expensive and produce more rapid estimates, but they rely on measured data to provide confidence in predictions. This paper therefore synthesizes the most recent available knowledge and data on major players of non-point source pollution. This effort will spur a site-specific research in various scientific communities to address the sources, mechanisms and pathways of agricultural non-point source pollution and prioritize the knowledge gaps.

Soil erosion; agricultural diffuse pollution; pollution sources; agricultural inputs

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Are K. S., Identifying the sources of non-point source pollution: Research progress and emerging challenges – A review , SCIREA Journal of Environment. Volume 3, Issue 4, August 2019 | PP. 94-110.


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