Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022     |     PP. 1-27      |     PDF (560 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 7, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/pmh33190    84 Downloads     102840 Views  


Segundo Nicolas Seclen, Unidad de Diabetes, Hipertensión y Lipidos, Instituto de Gerontologia, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú
Marlon Yovera-Aldana, Grupo de Investigación en Neurociencias, Efectividad Clínica y Salud Pública, Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú

OBJECTIVE: To describe the mortality of cardio-metabolic diseases by non-COVID-19 during the pandemic first wave 2020.
METHODOLOGY: We analyzed open data from Peruvian death certificates from March 01 to December 31, 2020, and 2019. Confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 by ICD-10 and the text of the diagnosis were included. We calculate the excess mortality 2020/2019 according to demographic characteristics, cardiometabolic disease, a primary cause of death. We performed a Poisson regression analysis for the prevalence rates of non-communicable diseases non-COVID-19 / COVID-19 adjusted to sex, age, place of deaths, Insurance, altitude, poverty quintile, precedence regio, degree of instruction.
RESULTS: Deaths registered in first wave compared to 2019 resulted excess of 92,395 (+ 96%). The mortality rate was 25.1/10,000 inhabitants,  60% were male, 72.6% were older than 60 years and 38% died in Lima/Callao.  57% of deaths were due non-COVID disease. In this population, stroke was 51% more frequent (PR 1.51; CI95% 1.49-1.52; p<0.001); coronary disease was 29% (PR 1.29 CI95% 1.28-1.30;p<0.001), an diabetes was 5% (PR 1.06; CI95% 1.05-1.08;p<0.001). In COVID subjects, only obesity was more frequent in 37% (PR 1.37; CI95%1.35-1.-39;p<0.001). There was an increase in cardiovascular death of 113% compared to 2019. Likewise, it was 13.9 times more frequent in non-COVID-19 compared to COVID-19 .(PR 13.29; CI95% 12.32 – 14.34; p<0.001) adjusted a epidemiological characteristics. 
CONCLUSION: During the first wave of COVID-19 in Peru, six out of ten were unrelated to COVID-19. The associated cardiometabolic diseases in COVID-19 deaths were obesity, while non-COVID-19 deaths were stroke, coronary disease, and diabetes mellitus.

COVID-19; mortality; diabetes mellitus; hypertension; coronary disease; stroke; obesity; cardiovascular diseases.

Cite this paper
Segundo Nicolas Seclen, Marlon Yovera-Aldana, VERY HIGH MORTALITY OF CARDIOMETABOLIC DISEASE IN COVID-19 AND NON-COVID-19 POPULATION DURING THE PANDEMIC FIRST WAVE IN PERU , SCIREA Journal of Health. Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-27. 10.54647/pmh33190


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