Understanding perceptions of the quality of health care in the context of promoting universal health insurance in Burkina Faso

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2022     |     PP. 104-119      |     PDF (265 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 17, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/sociology84777    104 Downloads     4666 Views  


Sombié Issa, Institut des Scicences des Sociètés /CNRST-Burkina Faso

Quality of care is a major concern of health policies in African countries. It has played an important role in the various reforms of the health system. This article aims to assess the quality of care in the context of the introduction of universal health insurance in the Hauts Bassins region in western Burkina Faso. It is a mixed-methods study that used both quantitative and qualitative data. Data were collected from the population and health workers in the health facilities using a questionnaire, two interview guides and an observation grid. In general, the results indicate a positive assessment of health services. The scores for all variables were above average. The variable

Perceptions, Health Care Quality, Universal Health Insurance, Burkina Faso, Health System

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Sombié Issa, Understanding perceptions of the quality of health care in the context of promoting universal health insurance in Burkina Faso , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2022 | PP. 104-119. 10.54647/sociology84777


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