Anthropocentric Speciesism among Oppressive Structures in The Broken Earth by Nora K. Jemisin

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023     |     PP. 93-118      |     PDF (298 K)    |     Pub. Date: February 26, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841007    86 Downloads     4450 Views  


Shohreh Haji Mola Hosein, PhD of English Literature, Department of English Language & Literature, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Written by Nora K. Jemisin, the trilogy of The Broken Earth prefigures the theme of anthropocentric speciesism (oppressive treatment of ordinary humans to bioengineered humans and nonhumans) and almost all kinds of anthropocentric oppressions including racism, dehumanization, colonialism, slavery, ethnocentrism, classism, sexism, and historical disease of cannibalism. Multigenre trilogy is a science fantasy and epic geology divulging anthropocentrist humans’ abuse of the earth, downgraded races, children, women, and all marginalized species. Cruelties of anthropocentrist human races to other humans, other species, and abusive colonization of family earth (anthropocentric naturism) are the roots of eco-social crises in the trilogy. Following the footsteps of social ecological feminists such as Greta Gaard, Karren J. Warren, Val Plumwood, and Ronnie Zoe Hawkins, and ecocriticism mottos of Stephen T. Newmyer and Lawrence Buell and also postcolonial and post-racial theories of Frantz Fanon and Andreja Zevnik, this article presents interdisciplinary study of the trilogy to undermine some known and unknown policies of anthropocentrism and disclose how intermingling branches of anthropocentrism (anthropocentric naturism and anthropocentric superior humanism) and its sub-divisions make new oppressive sub-classes called environmental anthropocentric speciesism, environmental racism, environmental ethnocentrism, environmental classism, and environmental sexism. It exposes how extreme racism and colonialism are turned into anthropocentric speciesism through dehumanization of the downgraded. It intends to show how such revenge and slave fantasy forms a climate change epic to warn humans against anthropocentrism. Revealing the damaging effects of anthropocentrism and oppressive political and economic procedures on the earth and species, it foregrounds eco-social feminist viewpoints planning democrat- based society, social political solidarity, social environmental justice, gender equality, and interspecies justice as indispensable solutions for the survival of the world.

Anthropocentric Speciesism, Colonialism, Dehumanization, Environmental Anthropocentric Speciesism, Environmental Racism and Classism, Interspecies Justice, Racism, Social Environmental Justice

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Shohreh Haji Mola Hosein, Anthropocentric Speciesism among Oppressive Structures in The Broken Earth by Nora K. Jemisin , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 93-118. 10.54647/sociology841007


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