Artificial Intelligence Evolution: On the virtue of killing in the artificial age

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2019     |     PP. 10-29      |     PDF (146 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 4, 2019
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Julia M. Puaschunder, The New School, Department of Economics, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, 6 East 16th Street, 11rd floor, 1129G-99, New York, New York 10003, USA;Columbia University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 116th Street Broadway, New York, New York 10027, USA;Princeton University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, USA

Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses historically unique challenges for humankind. In a world, where there is a currently ongoing blend between human beings and artificial intelligence, the emerging autonomy of AI holds unique potentials of eternal life. With AI being endowed with quasi-human rights and citizenship in the Western and Arabic worlds, the question arises how to handle overpopulation but also misbehavior of AI? Should AI become eternal or is there a virtue in switching off AI at a certain point? If so, we may have to redefine laws around killing, define a virtue of killing and draw on philosophy to answer the question how to handle the abyss of killing AI with ethical grace, rational efficiency and fair style. The presented theoretical results will set the ground for a controlled AI-evolution in the 21st century, in which humankind determines which traits should remain dominant and which are meant to be killed.

Key words: Artificial Intelligence, AI, algorithms, cognitive robotics, AI-evolution, emerging technologies, ethical issues, ethics, human robot interaction, international law, killing, legal personhood, roboethics, robot-rights, social robots, virtue of killing

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Julia M. Puaschunder, Artificial Intelligence Evolution: On the virtue of killing in the artificial age , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2019 | PP. 10-29.


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